Physics 1C, Winter 2021

I am a Peer Learning Facilitator (PLF) with the Academic Advancement Program (AAP) at UCLA for the Physics 1C course.


  • Tuesday & Thursday 10:00AM-11:30AM Session Zoom Meeting ID: 974-2627-9882
  • Tuesday & Thursday 11:30AM-1:00PM Session Zoom Meeting ID: 942-5499-1304
  • I will email the password to enrolled and other interested students.


Here are the worksheets for my sessions. Most questions are not especially involved; for more involved questions, see the practice midterms. The worksheets correspond to chapters in University Physics with Modern Physics.

Midterms & Final

Here are two practice midterms that encompass the first half of the Physics 1C course (electromagnetism) and the second half of the course (optics and relativity) and a practice final that covers topics from the entire course:

Formula Sheet

Here is a formula sheet that includes most of the topics and formulas relevant to Physics 1C:

Topics not included in this formula sheet that you should also know include:

  • 1A/1B: mechanics, oscillatory behavior, Coulomb potential/Gauss’s law, and behavior of charges in electric fields
  • Math: integration and differentiation of polynomials/logarithms/exponentials/trigonometric functions, constructing differential length/area/volume elements, averaging and rms
  • Other topics: magnetic torque, power, ray tracing geometric optics configurations, constructing 4-vectors


In my sessions I solicit questions on course material. Here are handouts on topics that are stumbling blocks for many students.