Physics 1C, Fall 2020

During Fall Quarter 2020, I was a Peer Learning Facilitator (PLF) with the Academic Advancement Program (AAP) at UCLA for the Physics 1C course.


  • Wednesday & Friday 11:00AM-12:30PM Session Zoom Meeting ID: 970-5490-0840
  • Wednesday & Friday 12:30PM-2:00PM Session Zoom Meeting ID: 996-0677-2785
  • I will email the password to enrolled and other interested students.


Here are the worksheets for my sessions. Most questions are not especially involved; for more involved questions, see the practice midterms. The worksheets correspond to chapters in University Physics with Modern Physics.


Due to the quiz-centric structure the Physics 1C classes during Fall 2020, there were no midterms. Nevertheless, here are two practice midterms that encompass the first half of the course (electromagnetism) and the second half of the course (optics and relativity):


The review session took place at 11am-1pm on Sunday December 13th on Zoom.


In my sessions I solicit questions on course material. Here are handouts on topics that are stumbling blocks for many students.