tV model ground state entanglent crossovers

following 1905.03312 and Hatem Barghathi's March Meeting talk

Spenser Talkington

4 May 2023

S = 10 #sites

Import Libraries

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.linalg import expm as matrixexp
from scipy.linalg import logm as matrixlog
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from functools import lru_cache
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = "svg"

Fermionic Creation and Annihilation Operators

Fast implementation of fermion operators courtesy of Brandon Monsen.

# New version with sparse matrices. These are defined via Jordan-Wigner
def cD_(n, L=10):
    S = sparse.csc_matrix([[0,1],[0,0]])
    pauli_z = sparse.csc_matrix([[1,0],[0,-1]])
    id2 = sparse.identity(2,format="csc")
    # This construction is written explicitly in the slides. I am just copying them
    # matrices to the left of the index n are pauli z matrices, and to the right are identity.
    # at index n, it is the S^+ operator.
    temp = S if n==0 else pauli_z
    for idx in range(1, L):
        if idx < n:
            temp = sparse.kron(temp, pauli_z)
        elif idx == n:
            temp = sparse.kron(temp, S)
            temp = sparse.kron(temp, id2)
    # re-type casting to a sparse matrix removes extraneous zeroes and greatly speeds up the code
    return sparse.csc_matrix(temp.toarray())

# Identical to cD_ except each matrix is replaced with its transpose
def c_(n, L=10):
    S = sparse.csc_matrix([[0,0],[1,0]])
    pauli_z = sparse.csc_matrix([[1,0],[0,-1]])
    id2 = sparse.identity(2,format="csc")
    temp = S if n==0 else pauli_z
    for idx in range(1, L):
        if idx < n:
            temp = sparse.kron(temp, pauli_z)
        elif idx == n:
            temp = sparse.kron(temp, S)
            temp = sparse.kron(temp, id2)
    return sparse.csc_matrix(temp.toarray())

#Helper function for later that defines a number operator to save space in the code & help readability
def n_(n,L=10):
    return cD_(n,L) @ c_(n,L)

def indicesFixedN(N, L):
    # My testing suggests that the eigenvectors of the number operators are the pure cartesian bases vectors and the
    # number operator eigenvalue of eigenvector n is the bit sum of (2**L-1-n) in binary. 
    temp = []
    for idx in range(2**L):
        if bit_sum(2**L-1-idx) == N:
    return np.array(temp)

def bit_sum(n):
    return bin(n).count("1")

def vacuum(L):
    temp = np.zeros(2**L)
    return temp

Site Number Operators, Hopping Hamiltonian, and Rotation Matrix

def rot(sites,fermions):
    #rotate into the fixed particle number sector
    indices = indicesFixedN(fermions,sites)
    num = np.shape(indices)[0]
    rot = sparse.csc_matrix(np.zeros((2**sites,2**sites)))
    for i in range(0,num,1):
        rot[i,indices[i]] = 1
    return num,rot

dim,rotate = rot(S,S//2)
identity = sparse.identity(2**S, format = "csc")#*****dim, format = "csc")

def number(sites):
    #create a dictionary for the number operators rotated into the fixed particle number sector
    numbers = {}
    for i in range(0,sites,1):
        numbers[str(i)] = n_(i,sites) #*****(rotate @ n_(i,sites) @ rotate.T)[0:dim,0:dim]
    return numbers
numbers = number(S)

def t_Hamiltonian(sites,t=1):
    #build the Hamiltonian without disorder
    t_total = sparse.csc_matrix(np.zeros((2**sites,2**sites)))
    for i in range(0,sites-1,1):
        t_total += - t * (cD_(i,sites)@c_(i+1,sites) + cD_(i+1,sites)@c_(i,sites))
    t_total += (-1)**((sites/2)%2) * t * (cD_(sites-1,sites)@c_(0,sites) + cD_(0,sites)@c_(sites-1,sites)) #(anti)periodic BCs (for (even) odd number of fermions)
    t_reduced = t_total #*****(rotate @ t_total @ rotate.T)[0:dim,0:dim]
    return t_reduced

def V_Hamiltonian(sites,V=1):
    #build the Hamiltonian without disorder
    V_total = sparse.csc_matrix(np.zeros((2**S,2**S))) #******np.zeros((dim,dim))
    for i in range(0,sites-1,1):
        V_total += V*(numbers[str(i)])@(numbers[str(i+1)])
    V_total += V * (numbers[str(sites-1)])@(numbers[str(0)]) #(anti)periodic BCs (for (even) odd number of fermions)
    return V_total

H_t = t_Hamiltonian(S)
H_V = V_Hamiltonian(S)
def half_basis(S):
    basis_states = {}
    for i in range(0,2**(S//2),1):
        state = vacuum(S//2)
        b = bin(2**(S//2)+i)
        for j in range(1,S//2+1,1):
                state = cD_(j-1,S//2)@state
        basis_states[str(i)] = state
    return basis_states

basis_states = half_basis(S)

def half_trace(rho,S): #trace rho over the first s sites of a length S chain
    rho_A = np.zeros((2**(S//2),2**(S//2)),dtype=complex) #not bothering to reduce dimensionality or take advantage of rho being real
    for i in range(0,2**(S//2),1):
        psi_j = np.kron(np.identity(2**(S//2),dtype=complex),basis_states[str(i)])
        rho_A += psi_j@rho@np.conjugate(psi_j.T)
    return rho_A

t = 1
interactions = 101
Vs = np.linspace(-10,10,interactions)#np.logspace(np.log10(1*10**-2),np.log10(1*10**2),interactions)

S_EE = np.zeros(interactions)
idxs = indicesFixedN(S//2,S)

for j in range(0,interactions,1):
    H = t*H_t + Vs[j]*H_V #create a Hamiltonian
    H = (rotate @ H @ rotate.T)[0:dim,0:dim] #*********rotate into fixed particle basis
    #find ground state, express in big basis
    eigs, vecs = np.linalg.eigh(H.toarray())
    psi_gs = vecs[:,0]
    psi_gs_big = np.zeros(2**S,dtype=complex)
    psi_gs_big[idxs] = psi_gs
    #entropy calculation
    rho = np.outer(np.conjugate(psi_gs_big),psi_gs_big) #since this is a pure state
    rho_A = half_trace(rho,S)
    S_EE[j] += -np.real(np.trace(rho_A@matrixlog(rho_A)))
/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/scipy/linalg/ LogmNearlySingularWarning: The logm input matrix may be nearly singular.
  warnings.warn(near_singularity_msg, LogmNearlySingularWarning)
CPU times: user 4min 7s, sys: 6min, total: 10min 7s
Wall time: 51.5 s
S_EE10 = S_EE
plt.text(-9,2.65,"Cluster Solid")
plt.text(-1.5,2.6,"Luttinger\n  Liquid")
plt.text(3,2.65,"Charge Density Wave")
plt.title("tV Model Entropy Crossovers")